The Rest Test
The Rest Test, conducted in 2016, is the world’s largest ever study on rest. It was launched on All in the Mind on BBC Radio 4 in collaboration with Wellcome Collection, Hubbub and Durham University. Researchers from Hubbub, led by Professor Felicity Callard, developed a questionnaire asking people what rest meant to them, how they rested and whether they would like more rest.
The Anatomy of Rest is a three part BBC Radio 4 series, presented by Claudia Hammond and produced by Geraldine Fitzgerald.
The Rest Test
The Rest Test, conducted in 2016, is the world’s largest ever study on rest. It was launched on All in the Mind on BBC Radio 4 in collaboration with Wellcome Collection, Hubbub and Durham University. Researchers from Hubbub, led by Professor Felicity Callard, developed a questionnaire asking people what rest meant to them, how they rested and whether they would like more rest.
The Anatomy of Rest is a three part BBC Radio 4 series, presented by Claudia Hammond and produced by Geraldine Fitzgerald.
Preliminary results for The Rest Test are available in:
Hammond, C. & Lewis, G. (2016) The Rest Test: Preliminary Findings from a Large-Scale International Survey on Rest. In Callard, F. et al (Eds.) The Restless Compendium: Interdisciplinary Investigations of Rest and its Opposites. London: Palgrave Pilot.
Preliminary results for The Rest Test are available in:
Hammond, C. & Lewis, G. (2016) The Rest Test: Preliminary Findings from a Large-Scale International Survey on Rest. In Callard, F. et al (Eds.) The Restless Compendium: Interdisciplinary Investigations of Rest and its Opposites. London: Palgrave Pilot.